The Gunpowder Plot unfolds as a riveting immersive experience set within a purpose-designed theater space in the historic Tower Vaults, located at the UNESCO World Heritage Tower of London.
Combining elements of virtual reality and live actor performances, this project unfolds within the subterranean depths of the Tower of London site. Our team was dedicated to crafting three distinct VR experiences that intricately wove the narrative of the Gunpowder Plot, captivating users and transporting them into this pivotal moment in history.
While I contributed to various aspects of all three experiences, my primary focus was on the virtual reality boat scene. In this segment, motion platforms and virtual reality were seamlessly integrated to narrate the tale of how Guy Fawkes and the plotters strategically sank gunpowder into Parliament.
The uniqueness of this experience lies in its multiplayer orientation. As participants embark on the boat journey, the use of motion platforms and VR allows them to witness fellow passengers sharing the same virtual space. Leveraging sensors within the headset, we implemented a system to detect the presence of other players, spawning their avatars in each participant's experience. This allowed them to observe where others were looking and interact with the virtual world together.
To meet the experience's requirements, ensuring each headset occupied the correct seat was paramount. Through meticulous configurations, we implemented a system that dynamically spawned players at their designated seats. Additionally, we incorporated a Heads-Up Display (HUD) visible only to spectators, providing technical teams with essential information to verify the correct seating arrangement for each user.
